是一款xposed外挂,能改动 原生态桌面上的不二法门,它会掩藏掉那厌恶的输入框,能修改图标表明个数、行数及图标大小等相关信息。对于爱原生态桌面的机友而言,是一个比较不错的装饰专用工具。Xposed GEL Settings应当称得上是一款软件了,它会变更的主要参数项许多,作用十分强大。 原生态的桌面上一直都有设定项过于简单抨击,任何东西都没法改动,令人很气愤。自从有了Xposed GEL Settings,这些都不是问题。感兴趣原生态的机友赶紧下载吧! : hide search bar / automatically show search bar on Now hide apps from the app drawer resize the home screen grid resize the all apps grid change icon size change the size of the icon labels hide icon labels on home screen and/or on app drawer change the size of hotseat icons change the number of hotseat apps (icons above the navigation bar) apply settings without rebooting your device more to come : 时长:2014/5/8 版本号:v1.6.1 Fixed incompatiblity with GNL 3.4
是一款xposed插件,能修改 原生桌面的利器,它能隐藏掉那讨厌的搜索框,能修改