Drwal wraca do gry! A Ty?
Co zrobisz, aby pomóc Drwalowi zdoby? jego ulubion? kanapk??
Wejd? do gry i zbuduj przepraw?, aby Drwal by? bli?ej celu. Po?ó? k?adk?, aby Drwal nie pokona? przepa??. Okie?znaj renifera, aby Drwal szybciej przeszed? drog?. Skrusz lody, aby Drwal móg? such? nog? pój?? dalej. Podejd? zwierza, aby Drwal nie musia? toczy? boju z dzikiem…
Drwal czeka na takich jak Ty!
Lumberjack back in the game! And you?
What will you do to help Drwalowi get his favorite sandwich?
Get in the game and build a passage that was closer to Drwal. Put a bridge to gap Drwal defeated no. Harness the reindeer to lumberjack walked faster way. Break the ice to Lumberjack could go on dry land. Come confides to Drwal did not have to roll the battle of boar ...
Lumberjack waiting for just like you!