《白金 》(AccuWeather Platinum)手机版 是一款天气软件,手机软件适用WIFI升级,手机软件方便使用,不占一切总流量! 1、程序界面美观大方,作用好用; 2、详尽的天气状况气象预报,15天整体气温概述,通讯卫星雷达探测等信息 ; 3、内置GPS,还可以在不选择自己的大都市的情形下,自身运用GPS定位你真正部位,并做出气象云图,甚至详尽的详细天气预报; 4、能自己键入城市搜索(谨记,只有适用拼音输入,例如“成都市”只有输入“chengdu”。 版本号 V3.1.0.14 日期 2013-6-4 Improved push messaging through GCM (requires new permissions) Our app now incorporates new AccuWeather branding! The RealFeel temp ture can be selected as the notification temperature Current location can be saved to list with a long press Severe weather alert has been added to all widgets Several fixes and improvements to app and widgets, optimizations to user experience Please re-add widgets if there is any issue. Email support@accuweather.com for any issues, we are here to help.
《白金 》(AccuWeather Platinum)安卓版 是一款天气预报软件