《真实吉他》(Real Guitar)手机版 是一款吉他模拟器,用于效仿真正吉它发出不同的声音,此后并没有吉它在身旁也可以取出来练习情绪了! 1、定做的和旋编码序列多点触控; 2、手机游戏分成2种策略; 3、在音色上和真正吉它无分别。 【升级日志】: 版本号 V3.4 日期 2013-6-5 * Menus in portuguese * Rename recordings ; * Play in loop ; * Acustic guitar is louder ; * Electric clean guitar is louder * Strum the chord pressing its name * Added the 7 and 7 chords ; * Change the frets one by one * Fixed the chord errors ; * Vibrate when play a note * Added support to record mode for small screens * The last key on the chord mode will be saved * Option to remove ads ; * Record on Chords mode 。
《真实吉他》(Real Guitar)安卓版 是一款吉他模拟器,用来模仿真实吉他