Sugar... spice... and everything nice! Then just add a little bit of ginger and voilà! These are the ingredients needed to create perfect (and yummy!) little Gingerbread Men!
But one day, when cooking a delicious batch of chocolate-flavored gingerbread, the baker accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concotion - the nightmare of every candy: Rum Raisin! Thus the evil chocolate-flavored rum raisin gingerbread men were born! (Willy Wonka would be so ashamed...)
Now, using their ultra super powerpuff candy-launching cannon, the sweet vanilla gingerbread men must fight the forces of evil and clear all rum raisin from the candy world once and for all!
Are you up for the challenge? It is time for the sugar war! Dont let the grimm gingerbread win, brothers!
Choose the size of your cannonball (or should we say Gumball?!?)...
... then load you cannon with the sweetest candy of them all...
... and shoot to blow the evil Rum Raisin Gingerbread Men to dozens of pieces!!!
The Gingerbread Wars have started. Sargent Charlie and lieutenant Ralph, the scout cookie men, are inviting all girls and boys to wreck every evil peanut butter cookie that tastes bad in the factory of dreams! Commander Shrek will be leading the assaults!
May the super pony unicorn cookie knight be with us!