HALLOWEEN - one of the most mysterious and superstitious celebrations. A monstrous grinning face carved out of a pumpkin with a flickering candle inside represents its spirit. The legend says that this symbol on All Saints Eve is placed into windows or near doors to frighten away Stingy Jack and other wandering evil spirits.
The Walking Dead come out first. The Evil Dead dont want to be buried! They are hungry for fresh flesh meat! If I were YOU dont stroll around the cemetry without Armalite.
Necromancers raised the dead. These Practitioners of the dark arts with no human heart dared to come up and show all of you demi-semi men Who is the MASTER here. They cannily command a bunch of skeletons, and whenever possible are ready to bust a ball of evil at YOU.
The next to come out are the Zombies (and what about them!). These foot-dragging half-dead dont care to nibble a bit of your flesh.
Like the walking dead, the zombies have a MASTER- the Lord of Zombies. These Necromancers can create new and new zombies and fire magic balls.
Oh! It cannot but be mentioned - gigantic Spiders which are hard to kill and extinguish. They are shinning, full-blooded and ghastful. Its not so scary were it not for their elder Brothers - spiders with rocket launchers implanted into their spines. How awfully disgusting............