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Metal Gun - Blood War

  • 安全
  • 人工检测
  • 官方版
  • 软件类别:
  • 发布时间:2023-04-13 19:38:37
评分 10





The end of the century in 2100, in the long history of the 21st century we have experienced numerous interstellar wars, the face of powerful enemies that we have experienced less times arduous battle, eventually we take the victory to defend their homes. However, due to the Earths abundant natural resources are always cited militants peep once aliens formed a coalition in a marching to the Earth ready to divide up the Earths resources. Earth today facing the most difficult moment of deep behind enemy lines to destroy the enemys protection measures for this to be awakened to re-join the fight needs a hero.

Big Stage II:

Through your efforts, this could have been a losing evil war finally achieved local victory, it also allows the still alive people to see a glimmer of hope. But the evil continues and humans is still not out of the extinction threat, so the battle also to continue, your mission is not over yet , for the survival of humanity, Benjamin ? Barton, fighting!



软件大小: 软件版本: 1.1 系统要求: 不限更新时间: 2023-04-13 19:38:37

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