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Zombies Escape The Humans

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  • 官方版
  • 软件类别:
  • 发布时间:2023-04-10 09:15:05
评分 10





Zombies are mindless creatures but they can be smart enough to wipe out humans.
Though there are slowest and dumbest zombie class and some are fast and tricky. However, they tend to group together, where their absolute numbers can be just as overwhelming as speed and adaptability. They can outnumber humans; these monsters wander around aimlessly, waiting for victims to fall into their clutches.
Dead humans cant come back to life; certain viruses can provoke such aggressive, zombie-like behavior, a deadly virus that is spread rapidly through direct human contact.
The infected became hungry humans and driven by a greedy appetite to consume human flesh. One by one, more humans fall victim to the disease, triggering an epidemic that generates a horde of starving zombies.

The zombie group grows and spreads quickly as they bite humans and turns into a mindless monsters with cannibalistic tendencies.
This is the start of the zombie revenge!
Lets find out with this endless shooting game-Zombies escape the Humans.

Zombie Gameplay
The game objective is to destroy the human race to produce a race of monsters by turning humans into a mass of zombies!
Would you like to be one of them?

Take down enemy humans to increase the number of zombie hordes. Take out many humans as fast as you can.
Use your high powered sniper to fend off humans, then work your way through the base fixing barricades and upgrades to last longer in the game and increase your fire power.
You can start off with a handgun to shoot and work your way up to a sniper or an assault rifle.
Most importantly, reload your weapon.
Quickly draw your weapon against other gunslingers before they gun you down.
Play this challenging shooting game and take on humans.
Collect coins to upgrade to powerful weapons; guns, boosters, grenades, missiles.
Make use of zombie bites, zombie sniper and zombie attack.
Produce more zombie hordes to advance further.

These undead can stalk their prey so secretively that the victim wont even know theyve been followed, hordes of undead will simply follow their human victims, moving at a steady walking pace, until the zombies teeth are buried in their neck.



软件大小: 软件版本: 3.0 系统要求: 不限更新时间: 2023-04-10 09:15:05

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