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Bad Drone Free

  • 安全
  • 人工检测
  • 官方版
  • 软件类别:
  • 发布时间:2023-04-09 11:12:27
评分 10





Cheeky, bad and fast, with a huge amount of firepower.

This is “Bad Drone“!

Throw yourself into the adventure and experience an fantastic "endless runner"! Destroy obstacles, defeat powerful bad-ass monsters and be truly bad!


Control your drone over the tilt angle of your smartphone/tablet to the left and right.

Tap on the left button to shoot with the equipped left weapon.

Tap on the right button to shoot with the equipped right weapon.

Very simple, isnt it? :)


Buy new weapons and items

Upgrade your drone

Post your high scores on

Bad-ass monsters

Ever-increasing speed

Random generated game play

Gorgeous graphics

Music that rocks

You are an bad drone! What more do you want? :D

★ TIPPS: (Not suitable for those who love surprises)

Prepare yourself for a speed boost, by paying attention to your "Speed Up" display, in the upper left corner of your screen.

Do not despair if you die early, collect more "Machine Parts" (MP) to buy new weapons and upgrades. So you become stronger and stay longer by.

If you cant destroy obstacles immediately, avoid these better. They are too hard for you now, so you should collect more MP and enhance your drone.

Pay attention for a "weak spot" by particularly stable barricades to break through.

If you are fighting a bad-ass monster, something “purple“ can help you extremely good.

Look for extraterrestrial activities. Can you also see there something strange in the distance?


Purchases the paid version of "Bad Drone" and get 25% more MP! Unbelievable but true! Get it now!

And now to the weapons and hunt everything up whats on the way!

Remember: "Be bad!"



软件大小: 软件版本: 3.0 系统要求: 不限更新时间: 2023-04-09 11:12:27

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