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Aliens Need Burgers

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  • 官方版
  • 软件类别:
  • 发布时间:2023-04-08 18:55:16
评分 10





Aliens Need Burgers!

"Like Ant Smasher, with aliens...ONLY BETTER!"

On a distant planet, gelatinous alien blobs happily feast away on their very favorite food: Hamburgers!

Tragically, the hamburger planning department at Blobbinting DC failed to calculate the correct formula for the rate of hamburger consumption, and alas their hamburger supply has run out.

The blobs have discovered that the planet Earth is too wealthy in hamburgers and hamburger supplies. All of that hamburger wealth must be liberated, by any means necessary, to hamburger starved planets. Namely, them!

The blobs use their social media sites Blobbook(tm) and Blitter(tm) to spread the word and organize a flash blobmob attack of planet Earth on Tuesday at 1:30pm (we will be wearing green).

Meanwhile, on the space defense station orbiting Earth, it is business as usual. Suddenly the UFO proximity alarm sounds! Shocked and caught off guard, the astronauts leap into action. One astronaut grabs the Interplanetary Space Station Defense Remote Control that operates the main stations laser defense system. Another astronaut races to the window to see what is going on! In the chaos and confusion they run smack into each other. The remote shoots from the astronauts grasp and tumbles out of the space station window, plummeting to Earth.

Blissfully unaware of the impending attack above, you happily stroll through your neighborhood for a refreshing afternoon walk while enjoying a tasty hamburger. All of a sudden, a small handheld device rockets into the ground in front of you, seemingly out of nowhere. Curious as to what it is, you pick it up and examine it. On the screen you can see the satellite imagery of the Earths space defense station and the army of alien crafts hurtling towards it. Immediately you realize that you and YOU ALONE can save the planet and all of its precious hamburger resources from the marauding space aliens. You must figure out how to use the Interplanetary Space Station Defense Remote Control to defend the Earth from total hamburger annihilation. GOOD LUCK!



软件大小: 软件版本: 2.0 系统要求: 不限更新时间: 2023-04-08 18:55:16

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