Brushes 可以轻松地让所有人绘制一幅属于自己水彩画或是水墨山水画,即便没有美术功底还可以绘制像模像样的著作,功能齐全且十分实用。
? High-quality brushes (with an erase mode)
? Layers (rearrange, merge, fill with a color, and adjust transparency)
? Copy and Paste layers between paintings
? Import multiple photos as layers
? Desktop-class color picker
? Extremely responsive zooming from 70% to 1600%
? Eyedropper tool
? Generous level of undo and redo
? Slideshow mode
? Built in web server (download paintings to any computer)
? Replay your paintings at high resolution with Brushes Viewer on Mac OS X (
Brushes 能够轻松地让任何人画出一幅属于自己的油画或者水墨画,即